Thursday, September 27, 2007

Differentiating Instruction with Technology Tools

How might you begin to utilize technology in your own instruction to help support differentiation for student learning?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

WMS Tech Ready Workshop Needs

Please take a few minutes to blog what you want/need to learn more about on Day 2 of our time together. Topics might include:

Happy Blogging!

Monday, July 23, 2007

PRMS Tech Ready Workshop - What do you want to learn?

Please take a few minutes to Blog what you need/want to learn more about. Your responses will be used to help shape our Day 2 break out sessions FOR YOU!

Topics might include:
-Blogs and Wiki's
-Digital Storytelling with MovieMaker & PhotoStory
-Writing projects with Inspiration & Publisher

Monday, July 16, 2007

Tech Ready Workshop - Moonlight Day 2

Please take a few minutes to let us know what you'd like to learn more about. Ideas might include:
-Spending time setting up a Class Blog and/or Wiki
-Setting up a student project with PhotoStory
-Setting up a student project with Publisher
-Setting up a student project with MovieMaker
-Setting up a student WebQuest

If there are other topics of interest, please let us know. We'll try our best to accomodate the majority of wants/needs.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

To Wiki or Not To Wiki? That is the Question.

Please take a few moments to blog (yes, you will now be considered a blogger!) your thoughts on how you might utilize a wiki. This may not be your cup of tea but and that is ok. Please let us know what you are thinking!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday Reflections

Tomorrow we will have time to continue working on student samples while also collaborating on the development of formative and summative student assessments. We will also begin the morning with a look at an Intel tool for getting at deeper levels of thinking across grades and curriculum. Take a few moments at the end of today to reflect on your personal progress.
Question 1. Are you on track? You should have made progress on the following:
A. Unit Plan
B. Publication sample for students
C. Presentation to introduce the unit to students and gauge student needs
D. An additional student project sample (a presentation, sample wiki, blog, or multimedia project)
E. Assessments to accompany each student product

If you have not made progress on these components, we still have time to tackle this in the next 2 days together.

Question 2. At this point, what student samples have you identified for your project?

Question 3. What individual assistance do you need to reach your goal of completion of the unit plan, student samples and assessments?

Monday, June 11, 2007

How are we doing?

Please post your Day 1 reflections. Let me know what you learned today that will be useful in the classroom as well as provide feedback on what needs to be different (pace of information, more details, less details, etc.) for Tuesday.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Teaching with Projects

You will learn through out the Intel Essentials Workshop, the importance (and research) behind incorporating Project Based Learning into the curriculum. Take a minute to post your reflections on experiences you have had (be they extensive or slim) with PBL in the classroom.